Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Mouse Slayer

There is nothing that brings out my Predator Ninja more than rodents. Rats. Mice. Same same.  Mum goes into this squealing fit every time I bring her one. Then she gives me lots of treats. Approval, I secretly crave it.
I fluff up, raise my tail as high as I can ready for the hunt. Tail, check. Claws, check. Shadow, check. Activating Predator Ninja mode.

Rammstein, the Predator Ninja in camouflage mode, blending with the background. I search for prey.

Aha! I spot one. I drag him in. He's fast. But I am faster.

I corner him.

I show off to the paparazzi. He looks different upside down.

Hey not so fast.

Must we play this game of cat and mouse?

Eeeeeeeeeeeek! There's the squeal. What took you so long Mum? I brought four in a row once and I was called the Mouse Slayer. Hmm I like that. Sounds so alpha.

Treats! Yummy! Ummmore purrrrrease.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Nosy Cat

I have an extremely sensitive nose. I can smell my food being poured into my bowl from the next room. I smell human food all the time but have absolutely no interest in it. I can smell rodents and other animals (more on that later). Outdoors, my senses are on overdrive.  My nose always leads the way. Almost like it has a mind of its' own. I like to smell e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Except lemons. And vinegar.

Umm, inhale the freshness.

Even twigs and branches smell good.

 I think I'm in cat heaven.

Who says proteas don't smell? They ain't got my nose. I love it!

My absolute favourite is grass, juicy green green grass yummo! Even when dried I still love'm! But what my nose doesn't detect are those rambling machines. Here's one now mowing down my scrumptious lunch!!!!

Nooooohhh stop!!!!!!! Wait.. What is that I smell? I smell lizards!!

You can hide. But I will find you. And when I find you I will kill you. Heard that line from somewhere.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cat in the City

What's the best thing about country living? The great outdoors. Yes! Brings out the explorer in me. But I wasn't always a country cat. I was born a city kitty so spending a couple of weeks in the Big Smoke away from Mum wasn't as traumatic as visiting the vet (shivers!). At least I was with some faces that are becoming more familiar to me.
There I was nosing around the "outdoors" of my unfamiliar surroundings when two huge pigeons emerged out of nowhere! I nearly jumped out of my fur. I watched. I waited. And watched again. One day....

I am curious about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Found these new toys calling out to me. I can't help it. I get into everything. So deal with it.

This is my bed. These are my cuddly toys. What? Oh, ok you can sleep here too. But don't touch my toys.

What's the best thing about city living? Never a dull day. I'm exhausted from auditioning for Ninja Cat. But I yearn for the great outdoors. Outdoors in the city is so different from outdoors in the country.  My minders do not let me go beyond the pigeons. So I just observe. 

So many boxes. With people. City folks like boxes too.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Close Encounters with a Blue Tongue Lizard

I meet many creatures whilst exploring the great outdoors, some intriguing enough to capture my undivided attention. This was one of them.

Hello, what is this?
Poke poke. Show me what you got punk.
What the?? Blue??!!!

He's on the move!! And so am I.
Hey!! Where'd he go?? 
Dang! Why do they all run away from me?? I wasn't gonna eat him. Promise. I feel so misunderstood.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Bah Humbug

What's the big deal with Christmas? I see some lights are up that come on at night. They're ok. It's  those flickering ones that drive me mad. 
Here I am being helpful with the Christmas decor. Yes! A bag!

Nope, no big star in there. 

Can I fit inside? Nope. One strike.
Can I eat it? Nope. Two strikes.

Can I push it around? Nope. Three strikes. Useless.

The heck?? I'm going to the Cattery while you guys go away to party?!&$*%

So what do I think of Christmas?

Bah Humbug!

Ninja Cat

I am a Ninja. I skulk and wait in utmost patience. I am covert. Not easy with a bell around my neck (arrrrgh!)!!. T'was a compromise I could not claw my way out of. This proud Ninja had to submit to be let outdoors. Unsupervised. Hhhhoookay. Nevertheless I am undeterred. I move with supreme stealth. The bell makes nary a noise.
I wait quietly, I am inconspicuous. I am a Ninja.
I love high places, like trees. Something about them I cannot resist. The danger, the risk excites me. Also, there is a lot of action going on up there. Noisy chirping birds. My favourite skinks. Ah! I see one now...

Who needs a ladder when you've got claws?

The air is different up here.

And the view! Awesome. I can see more targets bwahahahaha!

I blend in well. You can't see me but I see you.
My cover is blown. Darn this bell.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Cattery

My first ever trip away from home with no family around for days was at a cattery called Merecats. For some bizarre reason, someone was visiting and he really hated cats! I know I am an acquired taste, but hate?? What a monster. Now why I had to go away from my own home??!!! I may never understand. Humans are weird.

I don't have a good feeling about this. Last time I was in one of these was a trip to the vet. Traumatic.

Julie, the kind cat lady @Merecats, showed me my room. There's a catdoor! Yippee!

I had a moment of panicked confusion.

What's with the screen walls??!! What is this place? What's going on?

But curiousity outweighed my panic. Hmm, let me see how I can break out.

I do like all these bridges and hiding places.

My curiosity got the better of me. So much to see, so much to do woohoo!

Oooh nice comfy bed. You can go now Mum. Why are you crying?