Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Mouse Slayer

There is nothing that brings out my Predator Ninja more than rodents. Rats. Mice. Same same.  Mum goes into this squealing fit every time I bring her one. Then she gives me lots of treats. Approval, I secretly crave it.
I fluff up, raise my tail as high as I can ready for the hunt. Tail, check. Claws, check. Shadow, check. Activating Predator Ninja mode.

Rammstein, the Predator Ninja in camouflage mode, blending with the background. I search for prey.

Aha! I spot one. I drag him in. He's fast. But I am faster.

I corner him.

I show off to the paparazzi. He looks different upside down.

Hey not so fast.

Must we play this game of cat and mouse?

Eeeeeeeeeeeek! There's the squeal. What took you so long Mum? I brought four in a row once and I was called the Mouse Slayer. Hmm I like that. Sounds so alpha.

Treats! Yummy! Ummmore purrrrrease.

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