Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Cattery

My first ever trip away from home with no family around for days was at a cattery called Merecats. For some bizarre reason, someone was visiting and he really hated cats! I know I am an acquired taste, but hate?? What a monster. Now why I had to go away from my own home??!!! I may never understand. Humans are weird.

I don't have a good feeling about this. Last time I was in one of these was a trip to the vet. Traumatic.

Julie, the kind cat lady @Merecats, showed me my room. There's a catdoor! Yippee!

I had a moment of panicked confusion.

What's with the screen walls??!! What is this place? What's going on?

But curiousity outweighed my panic. Hmm, let me see how I can break out.

I do like all these bridges and hiding places.

My curiosity got the better of me. So much to see, so much to do woohoo!

Oooh nice comfy bed. You can go now Mum. Why are you crying?

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